Andrey Voznesensky



(Translated by Alec Vagapov)

November 2000

Firstа Dedication







All drawings done by Andrey Voznesensky


Firstа Dedication


The site reminded me of the reflection
of a cathedral. It was striped. I sailed.
I was on line. Beyond the cogged erection
the " love you" virus bloomed and hailed.
I was on line. It was by far more real
than the Mossad orЕ Zoo. I was on line.
Mozart was floating upside-down, like a reel,
up on the piano.
And the site was mine.
I was on line. Like little Saturns
the raviolis were hanging up on height.
My hope seemed venturesome, all of a sudden.
It was my site.
I thank You once again, oh God,
I am allowed to enter the satanic paradise,
or rather hell, - it's stuffy - I am out,
I'm on your site,
how nice!
And if you, thunder-stricken, cannot bear
аthis upside down façade,
аdon't come to play, if you don't care
аabout my site.
I'm somersault of my inverted Motherland.
I'm a clown, and itТsа cranberry,- not blood.
We're sick and tired of purges. ItТs so hard.
I am on line.а Speak out, land.
You have become the love of my existence
determining the living of my loving instance.


Andrey Voznesensky,
"The Virtualа Wind'"


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Second Dedication


You're lost. I say on oath.
I'll save it in my soul. It's true.
One seventh part of earth
аwith such a tiny name as "ru".




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Thirdа Dedication




Andrey Voznesensky.

Poems. Translations. Essays



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Chat 1


As I run out in the morning
I look around and I view:
beyond Rublyovskyа Highway - there's ru
and in the wood where berries grew- there's ru 
Corrupted, dishonest-аа ru
reproved and disparaged - ru
the steering wheel, rudder -а ru
the name of Vrubel has -а ru!
Repeated stupidity Ц gee!
I scan itа in the wind and I see
the ECG[1]а of double u
www and dot and ru
I like three w and dot and ru.
www-three boats ofа Rurik's?
and the accordion at night?
the song aboutа cows? All right?
3 crowns and surety
the CIA and GRU[2]

haveа shaved us all like planks.
At nightа my t-shirt flies up in the sky
oh my!
waving like mad forth and back
along with messianic ru aliasа of Bach!
Is Ru so bad?
New York, Beirut and Kaunas cast spells.
They steal at homeа like nowhere else!
We scold ourselves when we're abroad!
We steal,
but save our souls and pray to God.
www. a foreign
СIТll crush youТ- yells the




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Chat 2


States are governed by cooks. Look out.
Boys and girls are on line all this while.
There is nothing disgraceful aboutаа
hackerТs valour and hidden smile..
What goes on in your heart, hacker, lass? Final specialised class?
No, itТs worn chrysopaz.
And despite the protective charters
crystal lenses get tired, alas.
Hairdresserа gets half of your salary
for the hair you wear so happily,
аУDeath to trashФ, stylish hairdo,
as you leaf throughа the pages of HarperТs
like a piggy you breathe,а yes, you do.
In your cardiogram thereТre hackers,
pretty lassie among them, too.

www.CityLibrary.Pushkin ru
www. roulette.
Or betrayal of wickedа guru?



Andrey Voznesensky

ofа StradivariusФ


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Chat 3


Now take care!
DonТt smash them glasses-
Casts of bustsа of Antoinette.
The interior of terra incognita
is defined as the Internet
Your clean-shaven PC engineer,
what on earth did, in fact,а he assume?
He was daft toТve adorned the interior
with the medical sketch of the womb.
ItТs an object of tender affection
likeа a red, purple map of hisа land,
doesnТt look like the imitation
of anа office, important and grand.
HeСs a pro and aа leech, well I never!
Like a baby, a hairless man.
HeТs УinspiredФ-а you see? How clever!
Well begun!
УItТs disgusting! Symbolic! Capacious!Ф
The abused and insulted wall
shuddered angrily with indignation
tumbling down andа taking a fall.
Pink as soap, a soul or some spirit
From within Kamasutra whined:
УInner life! Never try to play with it !
Inner world! Never look insideФ.
Andа his skull was a-shaking , which followed
by the gush of the ring in his ear,
and we saw by the wall it was swallowed.
Oh dear!
First the skull, then the leg disappeared
in the stony and mortal game.
It was long till the stone-work appeared
to be calm and quiet again.
Where are you crazy boy,
аwhereТre are ye goinТ to?
Comet rain will be next, you bet?
The interior of terra incognita
is defined as the internet.

аmouse looks for aа hole Ц




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Chat 4

а(without RU)


I am without you
ItТs like being without ru.
Venus dressed in kaftan
will be changed to Kafka[4]
They rob and (ru)in like nowhere else
(ru)blyovsky Highway.
УLook for yourselves!Ф
УI havenТtа earned onа rhymes a singleа (ru)bleФ.[5]
УA mermaid sits upon a branchФ[6]
DonТt trouble.
 I spoke to the
begins at homeФ -
Maria Antoinette.
I am a lonely ru.sail.
How much is Mercedes-Benz?
Or should I say just ЕBenz?
ЕinaТs the girl of my dream.
They admire NewtonТs
аbinomial theorem.
What is on?
TV and so on.
To:а Judge Advocate General
(copy to : district attorney)
УAs far back as in 1994 I invented the alias УRuФ (ru) and had it published. I herewith request to make up for moral damages for plagiarism which, by my estimate, isа 1 rouble for eachа ruФ.
YouТll be the firstЕ
аTo chat.
DonТt drink alone.
УFatigued by spiritual thirstФ[7]
What if you choke like Dovlatov did?
Now, lads,
Read it and envy me
I happenа to be
A citizen of the United Chats[8].




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Chat 5


You love me so,
you love me, love me so!
with injection of drug in your heart,
taking off heaps of skirts you go
to acquaint me with nudes, soft and hard.
You are freedom of my subjugation
YouТreа in bilberry field again.
Having rubbed in some pitchа embrocation
you explained me the rules of the game.
There is tremor over the burdocks
and the fields,а no access to paint.
And yourа breath disappearing, faded
you, my ru,а canТtа be manually made.


Andrey Voznesensky





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Chat 6


Night. Chelyabinsk[9].
Belts in hand, as a rule.
For my friend
аI will fightа to the bitter end!
ФItТs my granny. Vocational school.
And the buckle with letters УruФ.
Buckles whistle. Come on! Smite and beat it!
Buckles sullied, to blemish the face.
On the Day of the Holly Spirit!
Buckles welded with led, just in case!
Street fighting! Revenge and requital!
(The front porch with shingle is littered!)
ItТs revenge for the beggarly life.
WeТre aа fist when we all get together
All are friends, - like birds of a feather.
Face in mud, - not in tart or custard.
SomeoneТs floating up there on high,
winded round byа the buckle of bastard,
helicopter,а a lonely guy.
Buckles carve stripes and streaks in the air
that are notа Уdouble uФ , -а far from it.
Well, itТs me who snarls down there
from beneath of somebodyТs feetЕ
Speech is bleeding lively and spirited
with just one decent word which is УЕsitesФ
up above in celestial vicinity
Motherland is saluting with lights
Where are you off to, ru?




Chat 7


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The woman spun woollen thread
The man caught fish with a net. 
No extraterrestrials in the NET.
The countries for which they are bound
are not to be found.
One has to be fed
to become red.
I like Nescafe with caviar, do you?
Neither w, nor double u, nor ru.

ThereТs no УkittycatФ for the kitty
ItТs a pity.

The turkey cries in the yard:а boo!
before execution: 
Skuratov [11]wearsа a funny bonNET
No kiNETic skeletons in the cabiNET.
WeТll be caught in the NET by Kio[12].
WeТll be caught in the NET by Moskino.[13]
WeТll be caught in the NET by Goskino.[14]
Chaff and daff in the NET? 
There is nothing of what is on sale.
HeТs got nothing to eat. All is stale. 
No mono ten
No to ten 

my neighbour said.

ItТs autumn. Monetization.
The bat doesnТt pay
for illumination.
New cabiNET thief imposes УNOФ
(In Russian itТs УNETФ)
His forelock down on strings,
Somebody sings.
The plaNETary tears are shed
by Bashmet.[15]
Independence is verification
for piety and exaltation.
Bonaparte left a three flap cap.
Had we only left jubilation
of УTriumphФ, thatа trick off the map,
it would have been an endeavour!
Uncommon? What if for ever?
The artists are selfless there
ignoring the dirty squabble,
one doesnТtаа guzzle and gobble,
and starsа are willing to pair.
Where nevertheless
Bashmetа will impress
the genius Menshikov
who likesа mastication.
Christ rules out retaliation.
The woman, the artistТsаа representation,
willа convert InterNET
а into

Leaves, in alt, setting out discomfort,
will descend on the fields of rebirth.
Sleeping there, smelling and truffled
is forgiving andаа pardoning earthЕ
Do not urge my half-chiselledа ru
to mutiny! No, it wonТt do!
A hacker, BashmetТs one timeа student,
grown up, mature and prudent,
forces openа the code of the bank
-just for fun, like playing a prank
Talents strive for the good, they do:
I sign a letter to the Tsar. I do!
(аа Фа
Уwe are losing a talentФ Ц I say.
Open the, pray!
- For whom is -
what dreams does mosquitoа dream?
viRUs.mosquito, ru
mosquito and comma ru



Chat 8


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The blade ofа Gilette flashed.
Hey boss, put your pistol away!
The Уtough guyФ violently slashed
throwing out the guts on the tray.
Like a bucked of purple pearls,
or people in the underground
the inside, allа steaming,а hurls
the guts and bowelsа all out.
Enjoy Russian style hara-kiri.
The boss will be put to shame!
аItСs disembowel therapy, really.
Guts on the table! ItТs much the same.
They wonТt understand, either Russian
or Yiddish. ThereТs a way :
pulsating miscarriage is dashing
onto the table, eh?
The soul percolates and leaches.
The dogа made a dash for the guts.
The doctors will put in stitches.
а Nuts!
Holin, IТm sure youТll be able
to remember -oh bosh ! - all this.
When throwing the guts on the table -
the desk, that is.
The female cops will scream,
a veil beneath the mask:
- whose chat is it? Whose teem?
-ItТsа Ru.
аMy task.




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Chat 9


Lay sisters of order ofа hackers
а have sleepyа night-owl eyes.
Young girlish lady in khaki
assuming a zombie guise.
The child of the network facilityЕ
Some milk for the harmful work.
You keep up your soulТsаа viability
by using non-standard word.
At heart you are tough and molded.
Heated girl, with math in your head.
You can speak up straight from the shoulder,
say what cannot be quietlyа said.а
Is it sexual terrorism? DullnessЕ
Like a beautiful insect, the soul,
quite obscure and alien, struggles
in the butterfly net, in a hole.
Mini anger is stirring within you
like it happens in every head.
Just two uncommitted murders,
and yesterdayТs pillage instead.
YouТll laugh with derision?
YouТll jump down the roof? Play a trick?
Unlettered and conscious decision
like a mouse, to fingers will stick.
And then you will feel so wretched
that starting to playа Macintosh
youТll shout : I bury the hatchet.
This net! Let it perish. By gosh!
I am through.
LetТs read the original. What?
Oh my God!

аWeТve forgotten the dot!

And we havenТt yet rhymed
the black mini-hole
(What the goal-keeper sees
аin his dreams)
What is goal? ItТs delay, eh?
Or your prank? Or your lark andа horseplay?
Or the mouse starts the game
by upsetting dots again.
Turning it into dash?
Or trash?
Beyond the fence some flowers grew.
Up to now theyТreа laughing like beasts.
Ivan the Terrible is having a feast
Kaligula is like Shura[16]
and these
are as like as two pees.

We shall yet get through, ru!




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Chat 10


www bound in faggot
is a dangerous black light, you bet.
Thorns and prickles turned upside down
are defined as the Internet
Just like Christmas-tree decorations
these brand-newа www things
are likeа stainless and spotlessаа relations
on the forehead of human beings! 
- For whom Ц
does the
Wheels a-missing,а barkingа like beagles,
every hour, as if by convention,
(УJede StundeФ in German translation)
the containers loaded with prickles
will be bound for theа УruФ destination.
What are mosquitoТsа dreams ?
Common room?



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Please, forgive me, you fellow traveller
of present-day festive calvary.
YouТll get all you want and enough.
I am off.
IТm Ophelia of dirty realities.
The ophthalmic-crystal looks show.
I am off the official formalities,
I have ruined your life entirely,
to ashes, as stated above.
I have been to Boldino timely,
yes, I have.
Generations and humans
Blok [17] and Blake[18]а have one woman.
Moses leads generations
IТm off to my last destination.
Forgive and forgetа if you can.
Fallingа stars lashed againstа perforated colander. Cool!
DonТt be naive to believe in free download, fool.
I am a stable woman
in our unstable times.
high treason, betrayal of humans
are my charms.
The envious lying
аof raiding line
is aа thing that happens off line,
off life.
The attorneyТsа morals have plundered me all.
Upon my word!
I run into you, heart and soul
аof the World.
IТll break their rules of the game.
Those Boyars[19]а again!

With Pushkin I dashed to УYarФ[20]. Uh-Uh!

IТm ru




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I love you, I love you
I love you! I do!
All talented scoundrels
Are smashed by your genius, ru!
Your hounds have torn up my calves,
and now when I burn anew
the following letters arouse:
your name
Shareholders enjoyed celebrations,
like OrwellТs hogs taking pleasure in you
avoiding Public Relations,
You have saved me and kissed.
Never better!
Therefore when I pass away
I will codeа the initial letter
Let them call for the whole world to hear
When they fly in the heaven of blue.

Littleа cranes ever flocking up here








[1] ECG Ц Electrocardiogram

[2] GRU Ц Chiefа Intelligence Department in Russia

[3] Kursk Ц Russian nuclear submarine which was wrecked in theа Barenz Sea in 2000

[4] Kaf╖kaа Franz, 1883Ц1924, Austrian novelist and short-story writer, born in Prague.

[5] УI havenТtа earned onа rhymes a singleа (ru)bleФ Ц reference to MayakovskyТs poem
[6] УA mermaid sits upon a branchФ Ц Reference to PushkinТs poem
[7] УFatigued by spiritual thirstФа -а Reference to PushkinТs poem


[8] I happenа to be aа citizen of the United Chats Ц reference toа MayakovskyТs poem on Soviet Passport:
ааааа УRread it and envy me I happen to be
ааааааа A citizen of the Soviet UnionФ.

[9] Che╖lya╖binsk - A city of western Siberian Russia, south of Sverdlovsk. Founded in 1736 as a Russian frontier outpost, it is a major metallurgical and industrial center. Poulation, 1,096,000.


[10]а THE TALE OF THE GIRL DARN FISH  -а reference to PuschkinТsа literary work

а УThe Fairy Tale of The Fisherman and the Golden FishФ

[11]аа Skuratov Ц Chief ofа repressive machinery under Ivan the Terribleа in the 15th century

[12]а Kio -а famous Russian magician and conjurer

[13]а Moskino -Administrative body of Moscow cityа Cinematography

[14]а Goskino - Administrative body of all - Russianа State Cinematography

[15]а Bashmet Ц contemporary Russian musician and composer

[16]а Shura -а common Russian name, short for Alexander (also:а Shurik,а Sasha)

[17]а Blok,а Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. 1880-1921. Russian poet. Considered Russia's greatest symbolist poet, he is particularly noted for his lyrics, verse dramas, and long poem The Twelve (1918).


[18]аа Blake, William. 1757-1827. British poet and artist whose paintings and poetic works, such as Songs of Innocence (1789) and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (c. 1790), have a mystical, visionary quality.


[19]аа Bo╖yarа -а A member of a class of higher Russian nobility that until the time of Peter Iа headed the civil and military administration of the country and participated in an early duma.


[20] аBa╖bi Yarа -а A ravine outside Kiev , the Ukraineа where the Jews of the city were killed by German troops in 1941. The massacre is commemorated in Yevgeny Yevtushenko's 1961 poem УBabi Yar


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